View our Frequently Asked Questions section below, containing questions that we regularly receive from our clients. If you cannot find the information that you need in the Painting Tips section of our web site, you will likely find it here. If you have any questions that are not addressed, please feel free to contact us with your concerns.

How long will my paint job last?

Simply put, look at your paint job as an investment. Just like a car, your paint job needs to be maintained over the years. Surface preparation is key to longevity of a paint job. For example, if the exterior of your home or deck is recently painted, take the time to budget having it power washed every two years. This will remove foreign objects such as dust and mildew from the building and maintain the durability of the paint job. Dark colors need to be maintained as they fade drastically over time. When peeling of paint is at the beginning stages, contact a local paint contractor. This will eliminate preparation costs. In this day in age every penny counts.

What colors are of the modern trend?

This is an easy question. Consult with your local paint store. They work daily selling and comparing products while specializing in color selecting and mixing. When we have trouble selecting certain color themes we consult with them immediately.

What paint manufacturer is best to use?

All paint manufacturers have good products. Make sure you use products that are specific to the scope of your project. If you are stuck on a task, consult with your local paint store or contact a local paint contractor for advice to complete your project

Smyth Painting Co. personally uses the following brands for most of my projects:

There are many paint contractor companies, but how many are good ones? We can tell you that Smyth Painting is a good paint contractor! We have a reputation that we earned – of doing great work, having quality service, and being trustworthy. Looking for a paint contractor? Look no further! Contact Smyth Painting for your paint contractor needs today!